Mud Creek Farms is your source for high-quality polled and horned Hereford genetics. Since being established in 1991 our goal has been to raise funtional and maternal cattle that excel in the show ring and pasture. Our success is determined by our customer’s satisfaction, which is our number one priority.
Thank you to all of our past and future customers who have shown confidence in our program. At Mud Creek Farms, we aim to separate ourselves by providing unmatched customer service and care. Whether it’s helping you select the right animal for your program, offering nutritional or breeding advice, clipping and grooming tips or simply calling to catch up, we will work hard to meet you needs and make owning a Mud Creek Hereford a rewarding experience!
Please call with any questions and continue to follow our updates on the website, Facebook, and Twitter. If you are ever in northern Illinois we would love to give you a tour.

Mud Creek Farms was established in 1991 after purchasing eight bred cows from Owego Stock Farm of WI. Since then, the herd has grown to 45 registered females that are backed by some of the breed’s most proven sires including 19D, About Time, P606, L18 and Online. To continue fostering genetic excellence, we utilize artificial insemination, embryo transfer. and in-vetro fertilization.
We began exhibiting cattle at our local county fair in 1992 and have since taken cattle to shows across the state and country. The majority of our calves are marketed through our annual Football Frenzy Internet Sale, the first weekend in October. In addition we annually consign some of our best to state sales.
Our operation is a family business with each of us taking on specific responsibilities. All of us have off-farm full-time jobs, but cattle and the people that we meet through the cattle are our passion. In addition to raising Herefords, Rick farms the ground that has been in the family for numerous generations. He is also a licensed auctioneer and appraiser, and conducts household, antique and real estate auctions. Linda is retired from teaching and devotes her efforts to the cattle operation and grandkids. Christina graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is married to Matt Mesker. They work and reside in Chicago.
Andrew is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and was a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and the 2004-05 University of Illinois Livestock Judging Team. He has since judged cattle shows across the state. He is employed with Monsanto and works in our home area. His wife Christy is a school administrator at the local school district. Andrew and Christy have five children; Peyton, Ryan, Elyse, Lydia and Maryn.